جميع الشعب English Exam

الموضوع في 'اللغـات الأجنبية' بواسطة مريم صافي, بتاريخ ‏25 مارس 2009.

  1. مريم صافي

    مريم صافي عضو جديد

    Part One:Reading
    -read the text carefully then do the activities
    single or co-educational?
    The main argument against co-education is that boys and girls differ.They differ in their biological make-up,interests ,aspirations and expectations.More important ...they differ in their rates of development .At 13.girls are gaining maturity,poise and emotional attachments.But ,the boys are stillunrully ,sissy-scoring toughs.Trying to teach them in the same class is like trying to teach two groups of different ages together.
    Another argument favours co-education and says that it is"natural".Boys and girls exist .They live together in families ,later they work together and they get married to each other .The place for the sexes to begin learning to live is at school .Good emotional and social reltionships depend to a large extent on the background built up from an early age .Segregated schooldays distort the background,making satisfactory relationships difficult later.Bringing boys and girls together in their formative years creates a basis for understanding later.
    Education is not only a matter of learning facts :it's a preparation for life.In co-educational schools ,the boys and girls learn how to get on with each other .Separating them ,is likely to build artificial barriers that may creat problems,especially during adolescence .After leaving schools they go through a period of quite unnecessary misery and insecurity.
    Adapted from a guide to English school by T.Bergess

    1_Circele the letter that corresponds to the right answer.
    The text is........
    _a_ descriptive _b_expository _c_argumentative _d_narrative

    2_Are the following statments true,false or not mentioned?
    _a)_Boys and girls are alike
    _b)_it's not easy to teach boys and girls in the same class
    _c)_Teaching boys and girls together favours understanding between them later.

    3_what or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
    _b)_that may(§3)

    4_In which paragraph is co-education criticized?

    5_Answer the following questions according to the text
    _a)_In what ways are boye and girls different?
    _b)_Does single-sexed education have bad effects on boys and girls ?If yes,what are they?

    6_a)_find in the text words,phrases or expressions which are closest in meaning to:
    _teaching of the sexes together(§1)
    gives support to(§2_
    b_find in the text words which are opposite in meaning to:
    _are similar(§1)
    _B)_Text Exploration:
    1_Complete the following table

    -Noun -Adjective -Verb
    ............... educated ....................
    ............... knowing ....................
    ............... .. ........... to succeed
    failure ............. .................

    Use the appropriate prefixes from the list to build the opposites of the words below
    agree -literate-developed -educated- understanding

    3_Reorder the following words to make a coherent senntence

    4_Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets
    My friend(fail)in his Bac exam,last year.It's indeed his fault!If he had worked hard all along the year ,he(to be)amoung the successful.He is taking his exam ,for the second time ,next June.Unless he( prepare) it seriously,the result will be similar to that of the last year.

    5_Classify the following words according to the prononciation of their final"s"

    6_Complete the following conversation between A and B
    -A:The UNESCO magazine published some alarming statistics yesterday
    -َA:It's really shocking!Only few children go to school in poor countries!Why?
    -A:Is it the only reason?
    -A:I see !And what can we do to help these children attend schoo?
    -A:That's a good idea

    آخر تعديل بواسطة المشرف: ‏30 أغسطس 2013
  2. نجيب

    نجيب طاقم الإدارة مشرف

    مشكورة أختي المحترمة مريم صافي على هذا النموذج.هناك سؤال هل هذا الموضوع خاص لجميع الشعب أم لا.جزاكي الله كل خير.
  3. لميش زهير

    لميش زهير عضو وفيّ

    شكرااا لك أختي
  4. مريم صافي

    مريم صافي عضو جديد

    أهلا بالاخ نجيب
    نورت الموضوع والله
    أظن ان الموضوع في متناول الجميع
  5. مريم صافي

    مريم صافي عضو جديد

    لا شكر على واجب أخي زهير
    نورت الموضوع
    شكرا لمرورك
  6. ردينه

    ردينه عضو جديد

    شكرا لكي لختي مريم نريد منك المزيد هدا من بعد ادنك فنحن في ايام حرجه جدا.
  7. سيسي بي

    سيسي بي عضو جديد

    ou est le text svp
  8. سيسي بي

    سيسي بي عضو جديد

    desole vous pouvez me donner le cite sa serais gentil
  9. موحـا

    موحـا عضو جديد

    مشكــــــــــــــــــــور أختي على الموضــوع
  10. نجيب

    نجيب طاقم الإدارة مشرف

  11. نور هدهد

    نور هدهد عضو جديد

    مشكرة اختي مريم صافي على مشاركتك
  12. ريهام ح

    ريهام ح عضو جديد

    شكرا حبيبتي
  13. السلام المفقود

    السلام المفقود عضو جديد

    thank u so much .that s really great
  14. بلال جلفاوي

    بلال جلفاوي عضو مشارك

  15. المعتز بالله

    المعتز بالله عضو متميز

    شكرا اختي على الامتحان

    جزاك الله كل خير
  16. سمية حليش

    سمية حليش عضو جديد

  17. ريهام ح

    ريهام ح عضو جديد

    شكرا على الموضوع
  18. زيان زيان

    زيان زيان عضو مشارك

  19. زيان زيان

    زيان زيان عضو مشارك

  20. لعوبي

    لعوبي عضو منتسب

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