Clinical Asthma: Expert Consult - Online and Print

الموضوع في 'المكتبـة الطـبـيــة' بواسطة خيزران, بتاريخ ‏21 ابريل 2010.

  1. خيزران

    خيزران عضو وفيّ

    Mario Castro MD MPH, Monica Kraft MD FCCP,"Clinical Asthma: Expert Consult - Online and Print"
    Publisher: Mosby | ISBN-10: 0323042899 | edition April 21, 2008 | PDF | 532 pages | 13.8 mb
    This unique new text delivers practical guidelines on diagnosing and treating patients with asthma. Drs. Castro and Kraft are extensively involved in asthma research and improved patient care, and their comprehensive coverage of key challenges in diagnosing and treating asthma makes this a must have resource. The organized full-color format ensures readability, and helps you find information quickly and easily. And as an Expert Consult title, it enables you to conveniently search the entire *******s of the text online and download all of the book's images, tables, charts, and algorithms for your personal use, as well as sample treatment plans and patient education handouts - all from any practice ******** with an Internet connection.

  2. أبو محمد ياسر إسلام

    أبو محمد ياسر إسلام طاقم الإدارة مشرف

    بارك الله فيك اختنا الفاضلة خيزران وشكرا لتواجدك بالقسم الطبي جزاك الله كل خير
    ومزيد من المنفعة والنشاط ان شاء الله
  3. خيزران

    خيزران عضو وفيّ

    شكرا لمرورك اخي ياسر اسلام متعك الله بالصحة والعافية

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